Tag Archives: YouGov

Libya and Radical Islam

Among the public’s many concerns about the current crisis in Libya is a fear that it may result in the country falling under the influence of radical Islam. That is one of the findings from a YouGov poll conducted online … Continue reading

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Monarchical Religion

The Church of England, the product of the sixteenth-century Reformation, remains the state church in England, notwithstanding successive attempts to disestablish it during the past two centuries. These campaigns were initially led by militant Dissenters promulgating the gospel of ‘voluntaryism’, … Continue reading

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Media Portrayal of Groups

The ways in which the media portray groups has been in the news again recently, following the suspension by All3Media of Brian True-May, the producer of Midsomer Murders on ITV, for remarks he made in a Radio Times interview. True-May … Continue reading

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Census Question Under Fire

There are just six days to go before UK residents have to complete the household and individual questionnaire for the decennial population census. But humanists are still simultaneously maintaining their attack on the voluntary question on religion while paradoxically encouraging … Continue reading

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82% of the public support the prosecution of Emdadur Choudhury, the Muslims against Crusades (MAC) protestor who was this week convicted at Woolwich Crown Court of a public order offence for his ‘calculated and deliberate’ insult to Britain’s war dead … Continue reading

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Attitudes towards Britain’s Involvement in the Afghanistan Conflict by Religious Affiliation

As well as looking at behaviour and attitudes in relation to the 2010 general election (participation, method of voting, party voted for, etc.), the EMBES survey contains a wealth of attitudinal data relating to long-standing or more recent political issues in Britain. One of these is the involvement of British military forces in the conflict in Afghanistan. Continue reading

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It will be Ash Wednesday on 9 March, the first day of Lent in the Christian calendar, the forty-day period of fasting and penance leading up to Easter, and replicating Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert prior to … Continue reading

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The Galliano Affair

Some nasty commercial consequences may be in store for Christian Dior, the iconic fashion, fragrance and jewellery brand, despite its prompt sacking last week of John Galliano, its head fashion designer since 1997, who has recently been exposed as shouting … Continue reading

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Ghostly Encounters

Despite huge advances in science and technology, more than 11 million adult Britons claim to have experienced a ghost, according to a newly-released opinion poll commissioned by Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire, and widely featured in the … Continue reading

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Feeling Lucky

Luck could be said to form part of the religious continuum (well, just about). It is accordingly defined in Wikipedia as ‘good or bad fortune in life caused by accident or chance, and attributed by some to reasons of faith … Continue reading

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