Tag Archives: YouGov

Pray and Display

Cash-strapped local authorities are looking at every conceivable way of trimming their costs, and some of their measures have been impacting and aggravating faith communities in recent months, such as through the withdrawal of free transport for pupils attending faith … Continue reading

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Abu Qatada

An overwhelming majority of Britons support the deportation to his native Jordan of Abu Qatada al-Filistini, the radical Muslim cleric implicated in Islamist terrorism, notwithstanding fears expressed by some that he may not receive a fair trial in his homeland. … Continue reading

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Lords Spiritual

‘Six out of ten Brits think bishops should be booted out of the House of Lords after defeating plans to cap benefits at £26,000 a year.’ So declared The Sun on 25 January 2012, following the poll it commissioned from … Continue reading

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Metal Theft

2011 was the worst year on record for the number of claims received by the specialist Anglican insurer Ecclesiastical (founded in 1887) arising from the theft of lead and other valuable metals from churches, according to a press release issued … Continue reading

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Seasonal Good Intentions

One-quarter of Britons expect to attend a church service over the Christmas period this year, according to a YouGov poll on Christmas commissioned by The Sun newspaper and published in today’s issue under the heading of ‘We’re Dreaming of a … Continue reading

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Occupy London, Act II – Enter the Archbishop

Occupy London’s anti-capitalist campsite outside St Paul’s Cathedral has now been there for three weeks and seems dug in for the long haul. The Dean and Chapter and the wider leadership of the Church of England have been increasingly challenged … Continue reading

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Occupy London and St Paul’s Cathedral

The photograph of St Paul’s Cathedral standing proud amid the chaos of the London Blitz was one of the most striking and iconic images of the Second World War, at once tangible evidence of a seeming miracle and a beacon … Continue reading

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The age of reason has not yet fully dawned, apparently. Almost one-quarter of British adults claim to have consulted a psychic or medium, even though many fewer (one in seven) believe that these intermediaries have a real ability to predict … Continue reading

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YouGov@Cambridge on Religion

On 30 April last, we reported on the virtual launch of YouGov@Cambridge (a collaboration between pollsters YouGov and the University of Cambridge’s Department of Politics and International Studies) and on the interim results from the first annual YouGov@Cambridge census of British … Continue reading

Posted in Attitudes towards Religion, church attendance, Religion and Politics, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

9/11 – Ten Years On

Today is the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the terror attacks on the United States, usually credited to al-Qaeda, in which almost 3,000 people perished. The legacy of that day continues to be felt in numerous ways, including – in Britain … Continue reading

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