Tag Archives: voting

Religion and Voting and Other News

Four stories are covered in today’s BRIN post, including new data on religion and prospective voting behaviour. Religion and voting Two new large-scale polls (from YouGov and Populus) shed light on the relationship between religion and voting intentions since UKIP’s … Continue reading

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August YouGov Polls on Political Issues

Herewith a round-up of recent YouGov polls touching on the interaction of religion and politics. ‘Doing God’ The majority of Britons are keen to keep religion apart from politics, according to a study published on 13 September 2012. 81% affirmed … Continue reading

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Summer Shorts

Herewith a round-up of some recently-published religious statistics which may be of interest to BRIN readers: Religious Affiliation Asked whether they consider themselves to be a member of any religious group, 56% of adults reply Christian, 6% some other religion, … Continue reading

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Anti-Conservative Vote

Religion is the single most powerful predictor (among eight factors) of an individual’s likelihood to say that they would never vote Conservative, with 44% of those with no faith rejecting the possibility of supporting the Tories, compared with 35% of … Continue reading

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Legalization of Gay Marriage

The Conservative Party risks losing Christian votes if it goes ahead with legalizing gay marriage, as advocated by David Cameron at the Party’s recent conference in Manchester, a ComRes survey published on 4 November 2011 has revealed. The poll was undertaken … Continue reading

Posted in News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

21st Century Evangelicals – The Sequel

The UK’s evangelical Christians are far more likely to be active in their communities than the average person, according to a new report from the Evangelical Alliance – Does Belief Touch Society? – published on 5 September. Hard copies can … Continue reading

Posted in Attitudes towards Religion, church attendance, News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion and Social Capital, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

21st Century Evangelicals

According to a large-scale survey of churchgoing published by Tearfund in 2007, there are approximately two million evangelical Christians in the UK. Hitherto, we have had only limited insights into their profile and attitudes. We now know a great deal … Continue reading

Posted in church attendance, News from religious organisations, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Catholic Vote

‘Labour would be returned for an historic fourth consecutive term with a very large majority if it were just Catholics voting at the general election on Thursday, as Labour holds a huge lead of 19 points over the Tories among … Continue reading

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Voting Intentions and Attitudes to Religious Minorities

With just over a week to go before the general election, we are literally awash with opinion polls at present. Unfortunately, few of those conducted during the present campaign have featured faith-specific issues, while the relatively small sample sizes mean … Continue reading

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Religion and Politics – A New Opinion Poll

Since its launch in November 2006 the public theology think tank, Theos, has performed valuable service in a number of ways, not least (in the cause of religious statistics) by commissioning a series of opinion polls to gauge public attitudes … Continue reading

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