Tag Archives: Scotland

Religiously Aggravated Offending in Scotland, 2010-11

The Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament is meeting next Tuesday to consider Stage 2 amendments to the (relatively controversial) Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill, nicknamed the ‘Football Act’, which will give Scottish police more powers … Continue reading

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Sectarianism in Scotland

The recent resurgence of sectarianism in Scottish football is overwhelmingly condemned by Scots, according to a poll commissioned by the Scottish Government, and published on 4 September to coincide with the commencement of Scottish parliamentary scrutiny of the Offensive Behaviour … Continue reading

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Scottish Social Attitudes Discrimination Module

The level of religious prejudice in Scotland in 2010 was much the same as in 2006, notwithstanding significant legislative and other activities to counter it by both the UK and Scottish Governments during the intervening years. Moreover, Scottish attitudes to … Continue reading

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Hate Crime in Scotland, 2010-11

Crimes motivated by religious prejudice rose by 10% in Scotland last year, representing the highest number of charges in that category since 2006-07, according to the report on Hate Crime in Scotland, 2010-11, published yesterday by the Crown Office and … Continue reading

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Census Question Under Fire

There are just six days to go before UK residents have to complete the household and individual questionnaire for the decennial population census. But humanists are still simultaneously maintaining their attack on the voluntary question on religion while paradoxically encouraging … Continue reading

Posted in church attendance, Measuring religion, News from religious organisations, Official data, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Declining Faith in Scotland?

The correspondence columns of The Scotsman may seem an unlikely venue for a debate on religious statistics, but the issue of 3 January contained an interesting letter from Professor Callum Brown of the University of Dundee about the decline of … Continue reading

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Scotland and the Pope

Pope Benedict XVI’s state and pastoral visit to Great Britain is almost upon us, and there remains much speculation in the national and international print, broadcast and online news media about the extent of opposition which he will encounter while he … Continue reading

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Muslim Integration in Scotland

The British Council Scotland has recently released a report on Muslim Integration in Scotland, by Amy Homes, Chris McLean and Lorraine Murray, and based upon quantitative and qualitative research undertaken by Ipsos MORI Scotland. The report, commissioned under the auspices … Continue reading

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Religion in Scotland

Scotland’s Population, 2009, the 155th annual review of the Registrar General for Scotland, was published on 6 August. It can be purchased in print format (ISBN 978-1-874451-80-8, £7) or be downloaded from: http://www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/files2/stats/annual-review-09/rgar2009.pdf The review is accompanied by Vital Events … Continue reading

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Gender Audit Report, Scottish Episcopal Church

The annual meeting of the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church, which is part of the Anglican Communion, took place in Edinburgh between 10 and 12 June. One of the papers under consideration was a Gender Audit Report, presented … Continue reading

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