Tag Archives: Roman Catholic Church

Newspaper Religion + Catholic Schools

Today’s stories feature a longitudinal survey of the religious content of major national newspapers and the results of the 2012 annual census of Catholic schools in England and Wales. Coverage of religion in newspapers The proportion of page space (including … Continue reading

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Respect for Clergy and Other News

Herewith some news stories about British religious statistics which have come to hand during the past fortnight; they are arranged in order of release date. Evangelicals and Money Evangelical Christians are not immune from the economic downturn, with 15% feeling … Continue reading

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Catholic Directory, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI’s state and pastoral visit to Britain from 16 to 19 September 2010 seems to have done little to improve the religious practice of English and Welsh Roman Catholics, to judge by average weekly mass attendance over four weekends … Continue reading

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Benedict Bounce

The so-called ‘Benedict bounce’, the reinvigoration of Catholic life in Britain consequent upon the state and pastoral visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Scotland and England in September 2010, is a reality according to a press release from the Diocese … Continue reading

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Papal Visit Anniversary

Seven-tenths of the British public can still recall Pope Benedict XVI’s state and pastoral visit to Scotland and England, which took place from 16 to 19 September 2010, but fewer than one-third consider that his presence here was good for … Continue reading

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New Reports from the Pastoral Research Centre

The Pastoral Research Centre (PRC), the Roman Catholic socio-religious research institute established following the demise of the Newman Demographic Survey (NDS) in 1964, has launched two new series of reports on Catholic schools in England and Wales. They are all … Continue reading

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Religious Affiliation by Birth Decade

Looking at the pooled British Social Attitudes 1983-2008 sample, I wanted to see how religious affiliation varies by birth decade in England, Scotland and Wales, and particularly how younger birth cohorts compare with older birth cohorts.
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Receptions into Roman Catholicism

Adult receptions into the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales will be significantly up on 2010, to judge by attendances at last weekend’s Rite of Election and tabulated in a press release from the Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference posted … Continue reading

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Papal Visit – Final Reckoning

A significant amount of controversy surrounded the run-up to the state and pastoral visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Scotland and England on 16-19 September 2010, although, in retrospect, the visit was deemed by many to have been a success. … Continue reading

Posted in News from religious organisations, Official data, Religion in public debate, Research note | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Reflecting on the Papal Visit

More than three months afterwards, the state and pastoral visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Scotland and England last September continues to engender mixed views. That is the core finding of two recent online surveys released by ComRes on 1 … Continue reading

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