Tag Archives: Populus

Populus on the Papal Visit

The opinion pollsters continue to pick up business from the now imminent papal visit to Scotland and England. Following the ComRes/BBC and YouGov/ITV surveys carried out among Catholics, reported by BRIN on Sunday and Monday, today brings a study of … Continue reading

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Catholic Adoption

On 19 August the Charity Commission announced its decision not to consent to the request from the charity Catholic Care to amend its charitable objects to restrict its adoption services to heterosexual prospective parents only. This followed a High Court … Continue reading

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Child Abuse and the Catholic Church

There have already been a couple of BRIN news posts reporting British public attitudes to the sexual abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests and alleged cover-ups thereof. ‘Pope Benedict on the Back Foot’ (20 April) featured a YouGov poll … Continue reading

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Secular Easter

Easter may be the holy of holies in the Christian calendar, but for most of us it is little more than a longish secular holiday, moderately ruined in many years (including 2010) by indifferent weather. International Christendom still cannot agree … Continue reading

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