Tag Archives: Israel

Jewish Attitudes toward Israel

‘Jews in Britain strongly identify with and support Israel. They are ready to see Israel swap territory for peace and to talk with Hamas if it will advance the cause of peace. At the same time, they are concerned about … Continue reading

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The New Anti-Semitism

In his massive new book, Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England (Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-19-929705-4, £25.00), Anthony Julius devotes two long and controversial chapters to the ‘new anti-Semitism’, which emerged (according to him) in … Continue reading

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Jewish Emigration from the United Kingdom to Israel

The Jewish Agency for Israel has announced that the number of United Kingdom Jews emigrating to Israel, or making Aliyah, in 2009 was, at 853, the highest recorded figure in 26 years and 37 per cent above the 2008 level. … Continue reading

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Institute for Jewish Policy Research

The Institute for Jewish Policy Research, originally founded in New York in 1941 but located in London since 1965, has appointed Jonathan Boyd as its executive director. Mr Boyd joined the Institute a year ago as a research fellow and … Continue reading

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