Tag Archives: churchgoing

Putting Christ into Christmas

In addition to ongoing daily Christmas polling for its own advent calendar (as covered in our previous post – http://www.brin.ac.uk/news/?p=739), YouGov has conducted a more extensive survey (running to 19 questions) into attitudes to and the observance of Christmas on behalf … Continue reading

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Christian Research and Churchgoing

Two articles in yesterday’s broadsheet press gave somewhat conflicting assessments of the state of religion in contemporary Britain, in the lead-in to the papal visit to Britain, which starts next Thursday. Writing in The Guardian, Julian Glover portrayed ‘a nation … Continue reading

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Scotland and the Pope

Pope Benedict XVI’s state and pastoral visit to Great Britain is almost upon us, and there remains much speculation in the national and international print, broadcast and online news media about the extent of opposition which he will encounter while he … Continue reading

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Peter Kaim-Caudle (1916-2010)

Peter Robert Kaim-Caudle, the German Jewish refugee from Nazi persecution who became one of Britain’s leading sociologists (holding a chair at the University of Durham for many years), died on 18 May, aged 93. Kaim-Caudle was best-known for his writings on … Continue reading

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Welsh Churchgoing

The current issue (No. 9, June 2010) of FutureFirst, the bi-monthly magazine from Brierley Research, leads with an article on ‘Welsh Churchgoing’ by John Evans, Director for Strategic Oversight, Gweini (The Council of the Christian Voluntary Sector in Wales). There … Continue reading

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Values and Religion

A social psychological view of the connection between religion and values is offered in the recent article by Miriam Pepper, Tim Jackson and David Uzzell, ‘A Study of Multidimensional Religion Constructs and Values in the United Kingdom’, Journal for the … Continue reading

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Pentecost Postponed? Prospects for Churchgoing

A post on the Christian Today website reports on the talk given recently by Dr Peter Brierley of Brierley Research at the third annual Pentecost Festival in London. In it he painted a gloomy picture of the prospects for church … Continue reading

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Churchgoing and the Weather

The most adverse winter for thirty years, currently being experienced in the United Kingdom, will doubtless take its toll on levels of church attendance, not least given the relatively elderly profile of most mainstream Christian denominations. We shall probably never … Continue reading

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