Tag Archives: Christian Research

Back to Church Sunday 2010

‘Onward Christian Soldiers: Churches Resurgent’ proclaims the headline in Jonathan Wynne-Jones’s article in today’s Sunday Telegraph, referring to the case advanced by Christian Research over the past three months that the relentless decline in churchgoing may be coming to an … Continue reading

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Take Your Bible to Work Day

In case you did not notice, last Monday (25 October) was the Bible Society’s ‘Take Your Bible to Work Day’, when Christians were asked to take a Bible to their place of employment as a statement of personal faith. The day … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Trends in Church Attendance

The recent debate over whether church attendance has reached a plateau, hosted here, at the Church Mouse blog, and The Guardian, has been of great interest. As a religious statistician and consultant, and editor of the seven editions of Religious Trends, I’m taking the opportunity to offer additional interpretation of the data. Continue reading

Posted in church attendance, Measuring religion, Religion in the Press | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Church Attendance in England, 2005

The debate over the Christian Research data last week, together with coverage of the papal visit, led me to look at church attendance data from the 2005 English Church Census. I wanted to look again to see which areas of England had higher rates of church attendance, and specifically which areas looked more Catholic.
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Christian Research and Churchgoing

Two articles in yesterday’s broadsheet press gave somewhat conflicting assessments of the state of religion in contemporary Britain, in the lead-in to the papal visit to Britain, which starts next Thursday. Writing in The Guardian, Julian Glover portrayed ‘a nation … Continue reading

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Where are the Men?

“Where are the men?” has long been the cry of those observing the congregations attending Christian services. Writers such as Edward Weston and James Fordyce could be found complaining about the relative absence of male worshippers in the eighteenth century, and … Continue reading

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English Church Census, 2005 – Dataset Released

On 30 March the Economic and Social Data Service released for secondary analysis the dataset from the 2005 English church census, conducted on 8 May of that year under the auspices of Dr Peter Brierley of Christian Research and sponsored … Continue reading

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Quadrant and FutureFirst

Two extremely useful bi-monthly newsletters for anybody interested in religious and social statistics are Quadrant (ISSN 1351-9220) and FutureFirst (ISSN 2040-0268). They are published by Christian Research and Brierley Consultancy respectively and distributed to members of each organization as part … Continue reading

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News from Christian Research

On 18 January the Bible Society announced changes to its leadership team, one of which was the appointment of Stuart Rivers as Executive Director of Enterprises. He previously worked for Ericsson and, for the past four years, as an officer … Continue reading

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