A self-selecting and potentially unrepresentative sample.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Religious beliefs, practices, opinions, and experiencers of millennial Christians (3516)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 2014, October-November and 2015, March
Geography: United Kingdom
Sample Size: 1703
Population: Churchgoing evangelical Christians aged 18-37
Keywords: Abortion, afterlife, assisted suicide, atonement, Bible, Christian teaching, Christianity, church attendance, church leadership, cohabitation, cultural background, decision-making, doubt, ethnicity, Evangelical Alliance, evangelicals, evolution, extra-marital sex, faith, financial giving, friends, God, hell, homosexuality, hurt, Jesus Christ, mentoring, millennial Christians, prayer, relationships with people in church, Second Coming, sharing faith, women
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: Evangelical Alliance
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 3516
A self-selecting and potentially unrepresentative sample.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.
Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…