4170 results

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  Welcome to the blog section of BRIN – newly integrated into the main site. This section of the site reports on new releases of religious data. It will also flag up interesting new publications, policy reports or news stories using … Continue reading

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Source: Religious beliefs and behaviours (3405)

Source: Attitudes to BBC2’s third series of the sitcom ‘Rev’ and the issues raised by it (3404)

Interviewees were drawn from Christian Research’s self-selecting Resonate panel of practicing Christians, which is disproportionately Protestant and contains a significant number of church leaders.

Source: Attitudes to Britain as a Christian country and to the ability of Christians to express their beliefs (3403)

The survey was undertaken in the aftermath of statements by Prime Minister David Cameron in support of Britain as a Christian country and of the debate which those statements triggered.

Source: Attitudes to the celebration of patron saints’ days in the United Kingdom, especially St George’s Day (3402)

Source: Religious affiliation, self-assessed religiosity, and attitudes to Britain as a Christian country (3401)

The survey was undertaken in the aftermath of statements by Prime Minister David Cameron in support of Britain as a Christian country and of the debate which those statements triggered.

Source: Factors (including the Church of England) considered important in defining Britishness (3400)

Source: Attitudes to state-funded faith schools having the freedom to teach creationism and refrain from sex education (3399)

Source: Trust in the Church and other public bodies and institutions (3398)

Module of the Charity Awareness Monitor

Source: Observance of Easter (3397)