4170 results

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  Welcome to the blog section of BRIN – newly integrated into the main site. This section of the site reports on new releases of religious data. It will also flag up interesting new publications, policy reports or news stories using … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, News from religious organisations, Other, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Source: Attitudes to the alleged ‘Trojan horse’ plot by Muslim activists to take over the running of state schools in Birmingham; and to possible actions against the ISIS Islamist movement in Iraq (3415)

Source: Importance of religious freedom as a British value (3414)

Source: Attitudes to the alleged ‘Trojan horse’ plot by Muslim activists to take over the running of state schools in Birmingham; and to Britain as a Christian country (3413)

Source: Factors (including religion) most creating a feeling of community among European Union citizens; and values (including religion) best representing the European Union (3412)

Multinational survey, undertaken in 33 other European countries as part of wave 81.4 of Eurobarometer

Source: Agreement with the Sunday opening of supermarkets and other large shops; and that Islam posed a danger to western civilization, even in its moderate forms (3411)

Source: Attitudes to the kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram and to UK military intervention against Islamism in Nigeria (3410)

Source: Religious aspects of same-sex marriage (3409)

Source: Attitudes to British military intervention in Nigeria to help rescue the schoolgirls kidnapped by the Islamist group Boko Haram (3408)

Source: Attitudes to the consumption and labelling of halal meat (3407)