4170 results

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  Welcome to the blog section of BRIN – newly integrated into the main site. This section of the site reports on new releases of religious data. It will also flag up interesting new publications, policy reports or news stories using … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, News from religious organisations, Other, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Source: Religious beliefs and practices of Quakers, and their attitudes to moral issues (3495)

‘A quasi-random sampling method’ was used.

Source: Religious affiliation, and Protestant/Catholic and religious/non-religious identity (3494)

Welsh Referendum Study, 2011. Two-wave panel survey, the first wave before and the second after the referendum on extending devolution for Wales held on 3 March 2011. Dataset available at UKDA as SN 7780.

Source: Extent of religious discrimination (3493)

The research, which also had a qualitative component (comprising 234 interviews and 40 focus group participants in five locations, and 211 practitioners attending five knowledge exchange workshops), mostly replicated a previous study undertaken for the Home Office in 1999-2001; 201 … Continue reading

Source: Attitudes to and experience of women priests in the Church of England (3492)

Participating churches were selected using four control variables (churchmanship, environment, location, and congregational size). The minister of each church was then asked to distribute questionnaires to 10 regular churchgoers across different ages and genders. Data were weighted with respect to … Continue reading

Source: Religious affiliation, importance of religion, and belief in God (3491)

Eurobarometer, 21. Multinational survey, also undertaken in the 9 other member states of the European Community besides the United Kingdom.

Source: Religious affiliation, self-assessed religiosity, and causes sufficiently worthwhile to do something about (3490)

Eurobarometer, 17. Multinational survey, conducted in the 9 other member states of the European Community besides the United Kingdom.

Source: Attitudes to the extension of Sunday trading hours (3489)

Source: Most exciting aspects of Christmas, including celebrating the birth of Christ (3488)

Multinational survey, also undertaken in Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, and Sweden.

Source: Knowledge of the Christmas story (3487)