4169 results

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  Welcome to the blog section of BRIN – newly integrated into the main site. This section of the site reports on new releases of religious data. It will also flag up interesting new publications, policy reports or news stories using … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, News from religious organisations, Other, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Source: Incidence of supernatural beliefs (3795)

Source: Attitudes to evolution and evolutionary science (3794)

Multinational survey, also undertaken in Canada.

Source: Attitudes to religious selection of pupils in state-funded faith schools (3793)

Source: Knowledge of a general election campaign policy to ban the burka in public places (3792)

The ban, which was also proposed to extend to Sharia courts, had been proposed by the United Kingdom Independence Party.

Source: Attitudes to Tim Farron’s religious views and banning wearing of full body and face veil (3791)

Source: Preference for politicians being open about their religious views (3790)

Data were collected via the YouGov Daily mobile app, which had a slightly different sample than the general population and was subject to a somewhat higher margin of error than standard YouGov polling.

Source: Activities associated with Easter; attitudes to government restrictions on religion (3789)

Data were collected via the YouGov Daily mobile app, which had a slightly different sample than the general population and was subject to a somewhat higher margin of error than standard YouGov polling.

Source: Religious beliefs, practices, and opinions, including attitudes to Catholics and Protestants and minority religions (3788)

Multinational survey, undertaken in 14 other countries in Western Europe. A comparable, but more detailed, survey on attitudes to Catholics and Protestants was also conducted in the United States.

Source: Attitudes to the Prime Minister’s comments about omitting Easter from an Easter egg hunt (3787)

Data were collected via the YouGov Daily mobile app, which had a slightly different sample than the general population and was subject to a somewhat higher margin of error than standard YouGov polling.