4169 results

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Source: Understanding of anti-Semitism (3975)

Source: Attitudes to forgiveness for sins (3974)

Source: Favourability towards major world religions (3973)

YouGov@Cambridge Globalism Project. Multinational survey, undertaken in 22 other countries besides Great Britain.

Source: Attitudes to revocation of British citizenship of Shamima Begum (3972)

It was announced on 19 February that Shamima Begum, an Islamic State bride who had indicated her desire to return to the UK, had been stripped of her British citizenship by the Government.

Source: Perceptions of anti-Semitism in British political parties (3971)

The sample comprised members of a pre-recruited panel of self-identifying Jews (including secular and non-practising). Data were weighted by age, sex, and region according to the profile of Jews in the 2011 census.

Source: Whether European citizens who had joined ISIS and been captured should be prosecuted in their own countries or by the USA (3970)

The context of the survey was that the USA was pressing European countries to prosecute their own ISIS nationals.

Source: Willingness to allow ISIS bride Shamima Begum to return to the UK from Syria with her child (3969)

Shamima Begum, aged 19 and nine months’ pregnant at the time of the survey, had run away from Bethnal Green to join ISIS when aged 15 and had subsequently married a Dutch jihadist.

Source: Attitudes to anti-Semitism in the Labour Party (3968)

Source: Perceived compatibility of Islam and British values (3967)