4169 results

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  Welcome to the blog section of BRIN – newly integrated into the main site. This section of the site reports on new releases of religious data. It will also flag up interesting new publications, policy reports or news stories using … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, News from religious organisations, Other, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Source: Perceived role of anti-Semitism in explaining the Labour Party’s defeat at the 2019 general election (4045)

Besides the two quantitative surveys, twenty-two focus groups were held in January 2020: eighteen focus groups with former Labour voters from nine former Labour constituencies won by the Conservative Party in 2019; and four focus groups with Labour Party members … Continue reading

Source: Attitudes to possible changes in the Sunday trading laws in England and Wales (4044)

Under the provisions of the Sunday Trading Act 1994, large shops in England and Wales were only allowed to open for a maximum of six hours on Sundays.

Source: Importance attached to teaching Religious Studies at secondary school (4043)

Source: Attitudes of British Muslims to other religions and countries (4042)

Source: Values (including religion) deemed of most importance personally and best representing European Union, and factors (including religion) creating feeling of community among European Union citizens (4041)

Standard Eurobarometer Wave 92.3. Multinational survey, also undertaken in the 27 other member states of the European Union, five candidate countries, and the Turkish Cypriot community.

Source: Attitudes to possible changes in the Sunday trading laws in England and Wales (4040)

Under the provisions of the Sunday Trading Act 1994, large shops in England and Wales were only allowed to open for a maximum of six hours on Sundays.

Source: British Muslim attitudes to policing, extremism, and the Prevent programme (4039)

Prevent is the government’s counter-radicalization programme. The online fieldwork was preceded by a qualitative phase of research, comprising 12 focus groups attended by a total of 86 British Muslim participants, the results of which informed development of the questionnaire for … Continue reading

Source: Perception of conflict between science and religion, and attitudes to evolution (4038)

International Science Survey, 2019-2020. Multinational survey, undertaken in 19 other countries besides the United Kingdom. Calls were made to probability samples of landline and mobile telephone numbers.

Source: Attitudes to possible changes in the Sunday trading laws in England and Wales (4037)

Under the provisions of the Sunday Trading Act 1994, large shops in England and Wales were only allowed to open for a maximum of six hours on Sundays.