4169 results

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  Welcome to the blog section of BRIN – newly integrated into the main site. This section of the site reports on new releases of religious data. It will also flag up interesting new publications, policy reports or news stories using … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, News from religious organisations, Other, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Source: Importance of a person’s religion for getting ahead in life (4125)

Source: Perceptions of prejudice experienced by religious groups, and ease of getting ahead for Muslims (4124)

Source: Profile of church leaders (4123)

Church Leaders Panel, 2020.

Source: Jewish experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic (4122)

The sample was self-selecting, recruited via emails and e-newsletters sent out by Jewish communal organizations and synagogues, social media, word of mouth, or referrals from participants. The sample was thus potentially not fully representative of the universe, although results were … Continue reading

Source: Importance of religion, and effect of Covid-19 pandemic on religious faith (4121)

Pew Global Attitudes Survey, summer 2020. Undertaken in 13 other countries besides the United Kingdom. Dataset available at https://www.pewresearch.org/global/datasets/

Source: Impact of Covid-19 on church life in lockdown with special reference to the Church of England (4120)

‘Coronavirus, Church, and You’ study. Although primarily intended for the Church of England, and promoted via the Church Times of 8-29 May 2020 and several participating dioceses, the survey was open to clergy and lay people from any UK denomination. … Continue reading

Source: Demographics and attitudes of British Sikhs (4119)

The sample was a self-selecting one, recruited by snowballing techniques and social media, and thus may not be fully representative of the Sikh community in the United Kingdom. However, the age and regional distribution of the sample was reasonably close … Continue reading

Source: Attitudes to Jews, Israel, and the Holocaust (4118)

Multinational survey, undertaken in 15 other European countries besides the United Kingdom.

Source: Religious affiliation (current and upbringing), attendance at religious services, and importance of a person’s religion for getting ahead (4117)

British Social Attitudes Survey, 2019. Dataset available at UKDS as SN 8772. The questions on religious affiliation and attendance at religious services were put to the full sample of 3224 adults. The question on the importance of a person’s religion … Continue reading