4170 results

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  Welcome to the blog section of BRIN – newly integrated into the main site. This section of the site reports on new releases of religious data. It will also flag up interesting new publications, policy reports or news stories using … Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, News from religious organisations, Other, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Source: Religious affiliation; experience of discrimination on religious or other grounds (3234)

National Survey for Wales, 2012-13. Dataset available at UKDS as SN 7320

Source: Religious affiliation (3233)

Integrated Household Survey, 2012. Dataset available at UKDA as SN 7419

Source: Religious affiliation and attendance at religious services (3232)

Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 2011. Dataset available at UKDS as SN 7228

Source: Muslim-West Perceptions Index (3231)

Multinational survey, also undertaken in 48 other Western or Muslim countries

Source: Religious affiliation (by upbringing and current); membership of and participation in religious and other groups; experience of harassment and discrimination on religious and other grounds (3230)

Wave 3 of Understanding Society (United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study). Dataset available at UKDS as SN 6614. Religious affiliation questions only asked of new panel entrants in Wave 3

Source: Attitudes to religious diversity (3229)

The research project also involved a qualitative strand, reported in Arweck, Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity.

Source: Religious identity, beliefs, practices, and attitudes of undergraduates, particularly Christians (3228)

Although the sample was randomly drawn at each university, respondents were probably skewed towards the religious or those otherwise interested in religion. A qualitative phase of research involved semi-structured interviews with 75 Christian students at five universities and with 25 … Continue reading

Source: Religion in relation to sexual attitudes and lifestyles (3227)

Third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (NATSAL III). Dataset available at UKDA as SN 7799.

Source: Perceptions of corruption affecting religious bodies and other national institutions (3226)

Multinational survey, also undertaken in 99 other countries