4170 results

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Source: Perceived equality challenges facing Muslims (3274)

Source: Involvement of Anglican churchgoers with, and attitudes to, formal and informal social action (3273)

One of the congregations was in Scotland

Source: Attitudes to the resignation and achievements of Pope Benedict XVI; and to the role played by religious leaders in national life (3272)

Multinational EuroTrack survey, also undertaken in Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, and Sweden

Source: Agreement with the propositions that the Roman Catholic Church is a force for good, and that an African should be appointed as the next Pope (3271)

Source: Intended observance of Lent and reasons for its non-observance (3270)

The survey coincided with the start of Lent, on 13 February

Source: Intended observance of Lent and consumption of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (3269)

Fieldwork was undertaken before the start of Lent

Source: Trust in clergy/priests and other groups to tell the truth (3268)

Source: Attitudes to the wearing of a Jewish kippah in the workplace (3267)

Source: Experiences of and attitudes to church life of evangelical Christians (3266)

Self-selecting panel, and possibly unrepresentative of evangelical churchgoers as a whole, with, in particular, an overrepresentation of church leaders and residents of London and southern England and an underrepresentation of older women