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Knowledge of evangelical history, contemporary understanding of evangelicalism, and attitudes to the Evangelical Alliance (3745)

Type of Data: Knowledge of evangelical history, contemporary understanding of evangelicalism, and attitudes to the Evangelical Alliance (3745)

Faith Community: Christianity

Date: 2016, Spring

Geography: United Kingdom

Sample Size: 1500

Population: Self-identifying evangelicals in membership of the 21st Century Evangelicals research panel or recruited via open invitation on the Evangelical Alliance’s website and through social media networks

Keywords: Bible, charities, Charles Darwin, church leader, committed Christian, current issues, denominational background, ethnic background, European Union referendum, Evangelical Alliance, evangelical Christian, evangelicals, Jesus Christ, John Wesley, Just as I Am, opportunity, Origin of the Species, people in history, perceptions of evangelicals, prospects for evangelicalism, public figures, social action, T. R. Birks, threat, voting, William Booth

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: Evangelical Alliance

Sponsor: Evangelical Alliance and three other organizations forming its Research Club

Published Source:

  • ‘Evangelical about Evangelicalism?’, IDEA, September-October 2016, pp. 14-15

    BRIN ID: 3745


    21st Century Evangelicals, 23. The core sample was drawn from the Evangelical Alliance’s self-selecting research panel (‘an opportunity sample’), which is possibly unrepresentative of evangelical churchgoers as a whole. Additional respondents were recruited via an open invitation on the Evangelical Alliance’s website and through social media networks. Dataset available at UKDA as SN 7787.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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