Demographics and attitudes of British Sikhs (3942)
Type of Data: Demographics and attitudes of British Sikhs (3942)
Faith Community: Sikhism
Date: 2018
Geography: United Kingdom
Sample Size: 2000
Population: Self-identifying Sikhs aged 16 and over
Keywords: British Sikh Report, caste issues, ethnicity, financial provision, gurdwara management, healthy living, identity, mental health, observance of the five Kakaars, old age, retirement, Sikhs, spiritual practices, stress
Collection Method: Online interview primarily, supplemented by self-completion paper questionnaire
Collection Agency: British Sikh Report
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 3942
The sample was a self-selecting one, recruited by snowballing techniques and social media, and may not be fully representative of the Sikh community in the United Kingdom. In particular, there was some under-representation of older age groups, relative to the 2011 population census.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…