Attitudes to the monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, her mourning period, and engagement with her funeral events (4260)
Type of Data: Attitudes to the monarchy, Queen Elizabeth II, her mourning period, and engagement with her funeral events (4260)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 2022, 18-28 October
Geography: England and Wales
Sample Size: 3035
Population: Adults aged 18 and over
Keywords: Bible, Bible readings, Bible Society, Christian language and imagery, Christianity, Church, church attendance, elements of Christianity, elements of other faiths, funerals, influence of Queen’s life, monarchy, mourning period, Queen Elizabeth II, religious affiliation, rites of passage, state royal event, wholly Christian, wholly secular, YouGov
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: YouGov
Sponsor: Bible Society
Published Source:
Rhiannon McAleer and Rob Barward-Symmons, Mourning Elizabeth: Christianity and the Bible in the Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Swindon: Bible Society, 2023
BRIN ID: 4260
The survey was conducted in the immediate aftermath of the death (8 September 2022) and funeral (19 September 2022) of Queen Elizabeth II. Questions relating to perceptions of the Bible readings and the Christian language and imagery of the proceedings were asked only of a sub-sample of 2246 individuals who had engaged with the funeral events in some way.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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