Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Attitudes to funerals and bereavement, particularly in relation to the Church of England’s role (4134)
Faith Community: General, Christianity (Church of England)
Date: 2021, 15-20 January
Geography: England
Sample Size: 2008
Population: Adults aged 18-75
Keywords: 9 Dot Research, advice on how to pray, advice on how to talk to someone about dying, bereavement, Church of England, Church of England led funeral, church person, death, dying, funerals, guidance on preparing for death, help and support with funeral planning, help for people to talk about grief, help for the grieving in local communities, indoor spaces for quiet reflection, information, life after death, listening ear, outdoor spaces for quiet reflection, person from another faith, places to light candles, practical support to those affected by death, prayer for people affected by death, private services to remember individuals, public services to remember people who have died, relationship with Church of England, services to celebrate the life of individuals, support networks for those affected by death, support online for those affected by death
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: 9 Dot Research
Sponsor: Church of England
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 4134
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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