Attitudes to and engagement with climate justice (4090)
Type of Data: Attitudes to and engagement with climate justice (4090)
Faith Community: General, Christianity
Date: 2020, 7-19 August
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 500
Population: Black Christians aged 18 and over
Keywords: Adequate levels of resource and funding, Bible reading, black and brown people, Christian Aid, Christianity, church attendance, church diversity, climate change, climate justice movement, climate-related actions, concerns, Covid-19, displacement of people from their homes, distraction from the gospel, earth will be destroyed in final judgment, environmental justice values, ethnic groups, global economic downturn, global pandemics, God, impacts of climate change, information about environment or climate justice, living a life which honours God, loss of biodiversity, natural disasters, poor working conditions, poverty and financial inequality, prayer, protect the environment, racially diverse, racism and racial inequality, religious affiliation, role of artificial intelligence, Savanta ComRes, take care of earth, terrorism, UK government, violent crime, worship to a creator God
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: Savanta ComRes
Sponsor: Christian Aid
Published Source:
Joe Ware and Chine McDonald, Black Lives Matter Everywhere: A Study of Public Attitudes towards Race and Climate Change, London: Christian Aid, 2020
BRIN ID: 4090
The sample was recruited through a combination of the Savanta ComRes panel and Christian Aid’s networks. The resulting data were not weighted. A sub-set of the questions was also put by Savanta ComRes to an online sample of 2138 adult Britons on 21-23 August 2020, including an analysis by religious affiliation.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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