Attitudes of Church of England priests to topical issues affecting the Church (4295)
Type of Data: Attitudes of Church of England priests to topical issues affecting the Church (4295)
Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)
Date: 2023, 25 July-16 August
Geography: England
Sample Size: 1486 (30% response)
Population: Church of England clergy
Keywords: Achievement of net zero on carbon emissions in Church of England by 2030, adequacy of safeguarding system and policies, appointment of woman as Archbishop of Canterbury, appropriateness of Archbishop of Canterbury publicly criticizing government policies, Archbishop of Canterbury doing good or bad job, ban on conversion therapy, bishops doing good or bad job, blessings to same-sex couples, Brexit, Britain as Christian country, church attendance over next ten years, Church of England, Church of England’s status as established Church, clergy, climate change, conduct same-sex weddings, cost of living, deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda, fresh expressions of church, gay priests to enter into civil marriages with same-sex partners, holding a service every Sunday, homosexual practice incompatible with scripture, use of churches and cathedrals for community events outside of service times, House of Lords, Justin Welby, legalization of assisted dying, Lord Carey of Clifton, other Churches across global Anglican Communion, politics, pre-marital sex, reform of Lords Spiritual, rejection of women priests by parishes, same-sex marriage, seriously consider quitting the priesthood, slave trade statue or memorial, The Times, UK’s membership of European Union, voting intention in general election, workload and responsibilities, young people
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: The Times
Published Source:
The Times, 30-31 August 2023, 2, 4 September 2023
BRIN ID: 4295
The survey link was emailed to a sample of 5,000 Church of England priests with English addresses randomly selected from Crockford’s Clerical Directory. Of the 1,486 respondents, 1,185 were actively serving as priests, and the data analysis focused on this sub-group. The age and gender profile of these 1,185 matched fairly closely the profile of all active clergy in the Church of England as recorded in Ministry Statistics, 2020.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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