Anti-Semitic stereotypes (adults) and perceptions of anti-Semitism (Jews) (4007)
Type of Data: Anti-Semitic stereotypes (adults) and perceptions of anti-Semitism (Jews) (4007)
Faith Community: Judaism
Date: 2019, 24-25 September (adults), 3-30 October (Jews)
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 2040, including booster samples of people holding very right wing and very left wing views (adults), 2695 (Jews)
Population: Adults aged 18 and over, self-identifying British Jews aged 18 and over
Keywords: Anti-Semitic hate crime, anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, authorities, bad influence on democracy, better, Boris Johnson, boycotts of businesses, Brexit Party, British people, business, Campaign against Antisemitism, chase money, comfortable spending time, connection to Israel, control the media, courts, Crown Prosecution Service, Europe, far-left anti-Semitism, far-right anti-Semitism, get away with anything, Government, Holocaust, hostility towards Jews, intimidation, Islamist anti-Semitism, Israel, Israeli products, Jeremy Corbyn, Jewish community, Jewish friends, Jewish people, Jews, Jo Swinson, Judaism, keep secret, kippah, Labour Party, leaving Britain, long-term future, loyalty, major newspapers and TV channels, media, media bias, Nazis, news, Nigel Farage, non-Jewish neighbours, other people, Palestinians, people who openly support Israel, persecution, police, political agenda, political comment, political events, political parties, politicians, positive contribution to world, power, prosecution, protection, punish, religious dress, religious prejudice, Richard Braine, right to defend itself, social media, Star of David, threat, tolerance, trust, visible signs of Judaism, welcome, YouGov, Zionism
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: YouGov (adults), Campaign against Antisemitism (Jews)
Sponsor: Campaign against Antisemitism in collaboration with King’s College London
Published Source:
Antisemitism Barometer, 2019, London: Campaign against Antisemitism, 2019
BRIN ID: 4007
Comparable surveys of adults and Jews were undertaken in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The questionnaire for adults was extended in 2019 to incorporate the range of anti-Zionist examples included in the International Definition of Antisemitism (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism). The Jewish sample was self-selecting, recruited via Jewish seed organizations and online networks which were used to initiate a snowballing process. It thus constituted a non-probability convenience sample. Electronic identifiers were used to filter out duplicate or other doubtful responses and those from persons aged under 18. Data were weighted by gender, age, and location to reflect the Jewish population in the 2011 census, and by religious observance according to the National Jewish Community Survey, 2013.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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