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Agreement with theological statements (3884)

Type of Data: Agreement with theological statements (3884)

Faith Community: Christianity

Date: 2018, 27-29 April (adults), 1-24 May (practising Christians)

Geography: United Kingdom. Part of multinational survey

Sample Size: 2133 adults, 520 practising Christians

Population: Adults aged 18 and over, practising Christians aged 18 and over

Keywords: Abortion, ancient myths, attendance at religious services, authority, Bible, biblical literalism, Christian denomination, Christians, church attendance, ComRes, day-to-day decisions, entertaining worship services, eternal damnation, eternal salvation, evangelicals, final judgement, gender identity, God, Hell, Holy Spirit, homosexual behaviour, Islam, Jesus Christ, Judaism, justification by faith, Ligonier Ministries, make a mistake, material blessings, modern science, new birth, non-Christians, objective truth, penalty of sin, personal opinion, politics, power of God, prayer, punished forever, religious affiliation, Resurrection, righteous, sacrifice, Saviour, sex outside marriage, sin, Trinity, unconcerned, valid replacement, worshipping alone

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: ComRes

Sponsor: Ligonier Ministries

Published Source:

  • https://thestateoftheology.com/uk
  • http://www.comresglobal.com

    BRIN ID: 3884


    Multinational survey, also undertaken in the United States of America (among a sample of adults only). Practising Christians were defined as those who pray at least weekly, read/listen to the Bible at least weekly, and attend church at least monthly.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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