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Experiences of ministry in the Church of England (3106)

Type of Data: Experiences of ministry in the Church of England (3106)

Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)

Date: 2011, May-July, 2013, 2015

Geography: England

Sample Size: 2402 (2011), 1774 (2013), 2400 (2015)

Population: Church of England clergy

Keywords: Burnout, church growth, clergy, demands, diocese, education and development, engagement, ministry, numerical growth, resources, sacrifice, spiritual growth, theological outlook, vocation, workload

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: Mike Clinton, Department of Management, King's College London

Sponsor: Church of England Ministry Division

Published Source:

  • http://www.ministrydevelopment.org.uk

    BRIN ID: 3106


    In each of the three years a nationally representative sample of clergy was surveyed. Additionally, a sub-sample of clergy was tracked, by means of identifying questions, across all three time points. A survey of 339 clergy partners was undertaken in 2015.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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