Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Attitudes to ‘Islamic extremism’ and Christmas as a religious festival (2983)
Faith Community: General, Christianity, Islam
Date: 2010, 16-17 December
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 1966
Population: Adults aged 18 and over
Keywords: Archbishop of Canterbury, Christmas, Christmas Day meal, church attendance, churchgoing, commercialization, extremist preachers, Government, Islam, Islamic extremism, Islamophobia, Luton, Luton Islamic Centre, Muslim community, police, prejudice, religious festivals, Rowan Williams, Stockholm, suicide bombings, Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, terrorism, universities
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: YouGov
Sponsor: Sunday Times
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 2983
Posted by: Clive D. Field
British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.
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