A survey was also undertaken among teachers in Church in Wales schools, but the response rate was too low for the data to be meaningful
Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Attitudes to and contact with Church in Wales schools (2810)
Faith Community: Christianity (Church in Wales)
Date: 2007-2008?
Geography: Wales
Sample Size: 275 incumbents (60% response), 538 parochial church council secretaries (51% response) and 708 parents
Population: Church in Wales incumbents, parochial church council secretaries and parents of children attending Church in Wales schools
Keywords: Children, Church in Wales, confirmation, education, religious education, schools, worship, young people
Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire
Collection Agency: St Mary's Centre, St Deiniol's Library
Sponsor: Church in Wales Education Review Group
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 2810
A survey was also undertaken among teachers in Church in Wales schools, but the response rate was too low for the data to be meaningful
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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