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Data impinging on church growth, including the age and ethnicity of baptismal candidates, the regional distribution and ethnicity of church attenders and members, and the attitudes of young Adventists (2762)

Type of Data: Data impinging on church growth, including the age and ethnicity of baptismal candidates, the regional distribution and ethnicity of church attenders and members, and the attitudes of young Adventists (2762)

Faith Community: Christianity (British Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists)

Date: 1980-1981

Geography: United Kingdom and Ireland

Sample Size: 1450 baptismal candidates, 11406 church attenders, 14120 church members, 203 young Adventists

Population: Baptismal candidates in 1978-79, church attenders and members in 1980, Adventists aged 11-30 from three English assemblies

Keywords: Baptism, church attendance, churchgoing, church growth, church membership, ethnicity, Seventh-Day Adventists

Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire

Collection Agency: M. L. Anthony

Sponsor: British Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists

Published Source:

  • M. L. Anthony, Unto the Perfect Day: A Survey of Church Growth Among Seventh-Day Adventists in the United Kingdom and Eire During the Period 1940-1980, Watford: British Union Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, 1981

    BRIN ID: 2762


    Much of Anthony’s report is based upon the secondary analysis of serial data for 1940-80

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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