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Religious and supernatural beliefs (1571)

Type of Data: Religious and supernatural beliefs (1571)

Faith Community: General, Christianity, Alternative

Date: 1995?

Geography: England and Northern Ireland

Sample Size: 509

Population: Year 10 pupils aged 14 to 15 at state-maintained secondary schools

Keywords: Afterlife, astrology, baptism, Bible, black magic, carol service, Christians, Christmas, Church, church attendance, churchgoing, Dungeons and Dragons, exchanging messages with the dead, fortune telling, funerals, ghosts, harvest festival, heavy metal music, horoscopes, Jesus Christ, judgment, life after death, magic, morality, occult, ouija board, prayer, psychic powers, reincarnation, religions, religious affiliation, religious festivals, right and wrong, rites of passage, Satan, Satanism, supernatural, tarot cards, video nasties, weddings, well-being, white magic, witchcraft

Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire

Collection Agency: Andrew Boyd and Leslie John Francis

Published Source:

  • Andrew Boyd, Dangerous Obsessions: Teenagers and the Occult, London: Marshall Pickering, 1996

    BRIN ID: 1571


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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