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Experience of the Methodist ministry and attitudes to current issues affecting Methodism (1501)

Type of Data: Experience of the Methodist ministry and attitudes to current issues affecting Methodism (1501)

Faith Community: Christianity (Methodist Church)

Date: 1997, May

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 1339 (74% response)

Population: Methodist circuit ministers

Keywords: Afterlife, alcohol, assurance, atonement, baptism, baptism in the Spirit, Bible, calling, church growth, class meetings, conversion, divorce, doctrine, ecumenism, fasting, gambling, heaven, hell, holiness, Holy Communion, Holy Spirit, homosexuality, hymns, itinerancy, Jesus Christ, life after death, Methodists, ministry, orthodoxy, prayer, preaching, remarriage in church, Resurrection, sacraments, Second Coming, smoking, speaking in tongues, stationing, stress, structures, Sunday observance, theological pluralism, Virgin Birth, workload, worship

Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: John M. Haley

Published Source:

  • Methodist Recorder, 23 July 1998
  • Mandy Robbins, Leslie John Francis, John M. Haley and William Kilbourne Kay, 'The Personality Characteristics of Methodist Ministers: Feminine Men and Masculine Women?', Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 40, 2001, pp. 123-8
  • John M. Haley and Leslie John Francis, British Methodism: What Circuit Ministers Really Think, Peterborough: Epworth, 2006

    BRIN ID: 1501


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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