The current issue (12 March 2010) of the Jewish Chronicle includes an article by Simon Rocker on the results of a survey of parents of Jewish pupils attending the three Jewish schools (two primary, one high) in the London borough of Redbridge. It will be found at:
According to the survey, commissioned by the Jewish Leadership Council, the overwhelming majority of Jewish parents are willing to accept the admission of non-Jewish children to Jewish schools.
Roughly one-half approve the admission of non-Jewish pupils up to 10% of the school roll, with one-quarter up to 25%. The remaining one-quarter deem it unacceptable to admit non-Jewish children.
In general, there is strong support for Jewish schools among Jewish parents, although fewer than two-fifths make voluntary contributions to support Jewish studies, in line with the recommendation of the Jewish Leadership Council’s Commission on Jewish Schools in 2008.
The survey (the full report on which is not yet online) is of particular interest from two perspectives.
First, there has been a recent test legal case, which went to the Supreme Court, concerning admissions policies at JFS, a Jewish school in another London borough (Brent).
Second, Redbridge is an area where there is a diminishing Jewish population, meaning that there will be insufficient Jewish children to fill an increasing number of Jewish school places, as warned by the Jewish Leadership Council’s 2008 Commission.