The 2001 Census collected data on current religion for people usually resident in England and Wales at the time of the Census. More information on the ‘religion question’ in the 2001 Census and what it told us about religion in the UK is available from the ONS here.
Seven religious categories were available: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and None.
The question was voluntary and those who chose not to respond are listed as ‘Religion Not Stated’. There was also a ‘write in’ option for those who fell into a different religious category, who were grouped together as ‘other’.
National-level religious data: the spreadsheet below reports the percentages falling into each religious group (or none) in Britain, and then separately for England and Wales, and for Scotland.
The Scottish data breaks down the Christian category into Church of Scotland, Roman Catholic and Other Christian.
The Scottish Census also asked people their religion of upbringing as well as their current religion.
In the final worksheet, the numbers who used the ‘write in’ provision to give the name of a specific religious group are given, broken down by Government Office Region, for England and Wales.
Religion by local authority: click on the embedded spreadsheet below for the percentages falling into each religious group by local authority (district and unitary) in England and Wales.
Census data are reproduced here under the terms of an Open Government Licence.
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