Category Archives: Survey news

At Odds with the Church? Roman Catholic Opinion II

As if the organizers of this week’s papal visit did not already have enough to worry about! More than three-quarters of the population apparently have no interest in the visit and oppose the state part-funding it out of taxpayers’ money, according … Continue reading

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Roman Catholic Opinion

The recent spate of surveys triggered by the forthcoming papal visit continues with the publication this morning of a ComRes poll of a random sample of 500 UK Catholics conducted for the BBC between 6 and 9 September. Interviews were … Continue reading

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Holocaust Education

Policy-makers and older generations of Britons sometimes get worried that the Holocaust, and the events of the Second World War more generally, are fading from the public memory. Last year, for instance, there was extensive media coverage of a study … Continue reading

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Roman Catholics and the Latin Mass

Yet another opinion poll has been published in the run-up to the state and pastoral visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Scotland and England between 16 and 19 September. But this one is different, since it is about the liturgical … Continue reading

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Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine has been in the news again recently, on account of the ongoing debate about whether homeopathic remedies should be available on the National Health Service. This has prompted YouGov to conduct an online survey on 30-31 August about … Continue reading

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Gallup on the Importance of Religion

A Gallup press release issued today (31 August) reports on surveys which the organization carried out in 114 countries during 2009 into the importance of religion in everyday life. Telephone or face-to-face interviews were conducted with approximately 1,000 adults in … Continue reading

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Scotland and the Pope

Pope Benedict XVI’s state and pastoral visit to Great Britain is almost upon us, and there remains much speculation in the national and international print, broadcast and online news media about the extent of opposition which he will encounter while he … Continue reading

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Muslim Integration in Scotland

The British Council Scotland has recently released a report on Muslim Integration in Scotland, by Amy Homes, Chris McLean and Lorraine Murray, and based upon quantitative and qualitative research undertaken by Ipsos MORI Scotland. The report, commissioned under the auspices … Continue reading

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Who Rates Religious Education?

The 2010 A Level and GCSE results season has now been and gone. The number of candidates taking religious studies at both levels has steadily risen over the years (see, but how worthwhile do Britons as a whole think … Continue reading

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