Category Archives: Survey news

A Pot-Pourri of Beliefs

Opinion pollsters Populus have recently released the results of an online survey of attitudes to topical questions, including a number of religious interest. Fieldwork was conducted between 20 and 23 August 2010 among a representative sample of 1,037 adult Britons … Continue reading

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Harvest Festivals

Some form of public thanksgiving, secular or religious, for the successful bringing-in of the harvest can be traced back to pagan times in Britain. However, harvest festival services, in the sense with which most of us will be familiar from … Continue reading

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Integrated Household Survey – First Release of Data

New estimates of the religious profile of Great Britain were published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 23 September, in the form of the first release of data from the Integrated Household Survey (IHS) for April 2009 to … Continue reading

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The Sun Shines Some Light

BRIN readers might not naturally think of The Sun, perhaps Britain’s most famous weekday tabloid newspaper, as a source of religious intelligence. However, as part of its polling contract with YouGov, it did add a couple of questions on topical … Continue reading

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Sex Abuse and the Papacy

The latest opinion poll connected with the papal visit was published by CNN (for whom it was conducted by ComRes) on 17 September, Pope Benedict’s first day in England. A representative sample of 2,028 adult Britons aged 18 and over … Continue reading

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Daybreak Surveys Religion

Daybreak is the new breakfast television programme for the ITV network, anchored by Adrian Chiles and Christine Bleakley and launched on 6 September. It has made an early entry into surveying public opinion by commissioning YouGov to run a poll on … Continue reading

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The British continue to be a pretty superstitious bunch, according to research published by 72point (the news, public relations and survey specialists) on 16 September. No fewer than 14 million adults admit to regularly carrying out everyday tasks they believe … Continue reading

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Citizenship Survey, 2008-09 – Religion

On 14 September the Department for Communities and Local Government published online 2008-09 Citizenship Survey: Race, Religion and Equalities Topic Report by Chris Ferguson and David Hussey. It comprises a PDF document of 113 pages plus 105 statistical tables in … Continue reading

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Populus on the Papal Visit

The opinion pollsters continue to pick up business from the now imminent papal visit to Scotland and England. Following the ComRes/BBC and YouGov/ITV surveys carried out among Catholics, reported by BRIN on Sunday and Monday, today brings a study of … Continue reading

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Britons Respond to Pastor Jones

The ninth anniversary of 9/11 was somewhat overshadowed by the crisis precipitated by Terry Jones, pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville (Florida), who planned to mark the occasion by an ‘International burn a Koran’ day but, in … Continue reading

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