Category Archives: Survey news

Archbishop of Canterbury and the Coalition Government

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, recently publicly criticized the Coalition Government’s plans to make the long-term unemployed take part in compulsory work placements, with those who refused at risk of having their jobseeker’s allowance stopped. The Archbishop said that … Continue reading

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Evolution Versus Creation

Next week will see the 151st anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species. The debate between evolutionists and creationists in explaining the beginnings of the human race has been raging ever since, especially as … Continue reading

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Religion on BBC Television

On 8 November the BBC Trust published the final report of its service reviews of BBC One, BBC Two and BBC Four television (BBC Three was separately reviewed last year). The report is available at: With regard to religious … Continue reading

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Who Celebrates Christmas?

The number of shopping days to Christmas is fast reducing. There have already been several market research surveys trying to assess likely spending patterns this season, especially in the light of the national economic situation. YouGov has just added to … Continue reading

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The European Commission has recently published Special Eurobarometer 341 on Biotechnology. This is based upon face-to-face interviews by TNS with representative samples of the adult population aged 15 and over in the 27 member states of the European Union plus … Continue reading

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Youtube and Radical Muslim Clerics

Last week Roshonara Choudhry, a 21-year-old British Muslim woman, was convicted at the Old Bailey of the attempted murder, on 14 May, of Stephen Timms, Labour Member of Parliament for East Ham, in retaliation for his endorsement of the Iraq … Continue reading

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Violent Extremism

One of the four strands in the previous Labour government’s CONTEST counter-terrorism strategy was focused on preventing extremism. It was especially concerned to stop the radicalization of young Muslims, following the London bombings in 2005. In an effort to improve … Continue reading

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Halloween, Take 2

Today is Halloween (All Hallows’ Eve). We reported on 1 October ( about the rapidly growing financial value of the market in Halloween-related products and also noted last year’s Angus Reid Public Opinion (ARPO) survey on the observance of Halloween … Continue reading

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Religion and Belief in Higher Education Project

The Religion and Belief in Higher Education project, based at the Faculty of Education, Health and Sciences, University of Derby, has just entered its primary data-gathering phase, with separate online surveys launched for higher education staff and students. Commissioned by … Continue reading

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Take Your Bible to Work Day

In case you did not notice, last Monday (25 October) was the Bible Society’s ‘Take Your Bible to Work Day’, when Christians were asked to take a Bible to their place of employment as a statement of personal faith. The day … Continue reading

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