Category Archives: Survey news

Census Question Under Fire

There are just six days to go before UK residents have to complete the household and individual questionnaire for the decennial population census. But humanists are still simultaneously maintaining their attack on the voluntary question on religion while paradoxically encouraging … Continue reading

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Home Shrines

The existence of religious shrines in British domestic households is largely uncharted territory, certainly in any statistical sense, so it is good to be able to draw BRIN readers’ attention to some initial data on the topic from the current … Continue reading

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Religion, Youth and Sexuality

‘Sex and religion are generally considered uncomfortable bedfellows.’ So begins a new 24-page report which offers fascinating insights into the diversity of interactions between religion and sexuality among the young. Authored by Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip (University of Nottingham), Michael Keenan … Continue reading

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82% of the public support the prosecution of Emdadur Choudhury, the Muslims against Crusades (MAC) protestor who was this week convicted at Woolwich Crown Court of a public order offence for his ‘calculated and deliberate’ insult to Britain’s war dead … Continue reading

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It will be Ash Wednesday on 9 March, the first day of Lent in the Christian calendar, the forty-day period of fasting and penance leading up to Easter, and replicating Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert prior to … Continue reading

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The Galliano Affair

Some nasty commercial consequences may be in store for Christian Dior, the iconic fashion, fragrance and jewellery brand, despite its prompt sacking last week of John Galliano, its head fashion designer since 1997, who has recently been exposed as shouting … Continue reading

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Searchlight on Religion

A major new source of public opinion data on religion and inter-faith relations has just become available in the form of a Populus poll for Searchlight Educational Trust. The survey is of unusual importance in terms of the number of … Continue reading

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Ghostly Encounters

Despite huge advances in science and technology, more than 11 million adult Britons claim to have experienced a ghost, according to a newly-released opinion poll commissioned by Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire, and widely featured in the … Continue reading

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Theos Civil Unrest Survey

Britain may be poised for a period of protest and civil unrest, according to a new survey by ComRes for Theos, the public theology think-tank, released on 3 March. Fieldwork was conducted online on 23-25 February 2011, among 2,003 adults … Continue reading

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Ethnic Minority British Election Study 2009-2010 now online

The British Election Study (BES) constitutes the longest academic series of nationally representative probability sample surveys in Britain. In addition to the main pre- and post-election surveys run over 2009-2010, a survey of ethnic minorities was run, and this week made available online at
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