Category Archives: Survey news

British Muslims and the Police

Taken as a whole, Muslims in England and Wales express higher levels of trust and confidence in the police than do the general population, notwithstanding the fact that they report crime and disorder impacts more negatively upon them than society … Continue reading

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Group-Focused Enmity in Europe

Fresh light on anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Britain is shed in a report published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin on 11 March 2011. Entitled Intolerance, Prejudice and Discrimination: A European Report, it is written by Andreas Zick, Beate Kupper and … Continue reading

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Self-Supporting Ministry

In 2009 3,100 or 27% of all the Church of England’s diocesan licensed ministers were in self-supporting ministry (SSM), sometimes described as non-stipendiary ministry. Hitherto, comparatively little has been known about these SSMs and how they are utilized by the … Continue reading

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Libya and Radical Islam

Among the public’s many concerns about the current crisis in Libya is a fear that it may result in the country falling under the influence of radical Islam. That is one of the findings from a YouGov poll conducted online … Continue reading

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Domestic Abuse and British Jews

We reported four months ago ( that Jewish Women’s Aid (JWA), the UK national charity for Jewish women and their children affected by domestic violence, was intending to carry out an online survey into the incidence and perceptions of domestic … Continue reading

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Feminism and Religion

Women have historically scored more highly than men on most indicators of religious belief and practice, but there have been signs in recent years that the situation may be changing, as females succumb to secularization, and apparently nowhere is this … Continue reading

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English Schools and Community Cohesion

The Education and Inspections Act 2006 placed a new duty on the governing bodies of maintained schools in England to promote community cohesion. In order to see how much progress schools had been making, the previous Labour administration commissioned Ipsos-MORI … Continue reading

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Monarchical Religion

The Church of England, the product of the sixteenth-century Reformation, remains the state church in England, notwithstanding successive attempts to disestablish it during the past two centuries. These campaigns were initially led by militant Dissenters promulgating the gospel of ‘voluntaryism’, … Continue reading

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Media Portrayal of Groups

The ways in which the media portray groups has been in the news again recently, following the suspension by All3Media of Brian True-May, the producer of Midsomer Murders on ITV, for remarks he made in a Radio Times interview. True-May … Continue reading

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Israel-Palestine Conflict

Public perceptions of the religious dimensions of the Israel-Palestine conflict are illuminated in a six-nation ICM poll released on 13 March and undertaken on behalf of the Al Jazeera Centre for Studies (established in 2006), the Middle East Monitor (MEMO, … Continue reading

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