Category Archives: Survey news

Turbulent Priest?

The nation is split down the middle about whether senior clergy should comment on political issues, according to a new survey. This follows the Archbishop of Canterbury’s guest-editorship of last week’s issue of the left-leaning New Statesman magazine, which provided … Continue reading

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Immigrant Religiosity

First-generation immigrants to the UK are three times as likely as natives to claim to attend religious services at least weekly and to pray in private daily. They are also more religious than immigrants to most other European countries on … Continue reading

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Attitudes towards Different Religious Groups in Britain: Survey Data Sources

This post highlights some of the survey resources – available for general usage – which allow researchers to examine public views towards religious groups in Britain. The three surveys used are the European Values Study, the Pew Global Attitudes Project surveys, and the British Social Attitudes surveys.
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Mental Health of Clergy

Two-thirds of the Anglican stipendiary clergy replying to a survey by Morgan Lewis Consultants were keen to see guaranteed confidential support for the clergy for mental health problems and difficulties with emotional well-being and stress. This need came well ahead … Continue reading

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Naughty Vicar Syndrome

Local clergy come a close second to politicians in meriting media exposure for cheating on their spouse, according to a new survey commissioned by The Sunday Times in the wake of the controversy surrounding superinjunctions and the freedom of the … Continue reading

Posted in Religion in public debate, Religion in the Press, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Same-Sex Relationships and the Ministry

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland voted on Monday to continue dialogue on same-sex relationships and the ministry following consideration of the report on the subject by a Special Commission appointed in 2009. After several hours of debate, … Continue reading

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European Values Study, Wave 4

The dataset for European Values Study (EVS), Wave 4, Great Britain has recently become available at the Economic and Social Data Service as SN 6757. The data also form part of the aggregated 47-country dataset for Wave 4 as SN … Continue reading

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Church and State

The recent Royal Wedding, between Prince William and Catherine Middleton (now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge), gave rise to extensive opinion polling on the subject of British attitudes to the monarchy, and a few of these surveys touched on … Continue reading

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Death and Dying in Eastern England

People of faith are marginally more likely to be comfortable discussing death in general and their own death in particular than those without a religion, and they are also rather more likely to have made end-of-life plans. However, the differences … Continue reading

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Influence of the Bible

In this special year of celebration (the quatercentenary of the Authorized or King James Version), a slim majority (54%) of Britons think the Bible is an important book, even though nearly seven in eight of them freely admit that they … Continue reading

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