Category Archives: Survey news

Muslim-Western Tensions – British Experiences

‘Muslim and Western publics continue to see relations between them as generally bad, with both sides holding negative stereotypes of the other.’ However, there has been ‘somewhat of a thaw in the U.S. and Europe compared with five years ago’. … Continue reading

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Religion and Belief in Higher Education

Fresh empirical insights into the state of religion in UK higher education are offered in a new report commissioned by the Equality Challenge Unit, undertaken on its behalf by researchers at the University of Derby, and launched on 11 July. … Continue reading

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How Much Does Religion Matter?

Religion plays a far less central role in the lives of Britons than of many other peoples, according to an international Ipsos Global @dvisor survey released on 6 July. Full data tables are not yet available, but a press release … Continue reading

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British Muslim Students’ Experience of Higher Education

British Muslim students get comparatively low A Level grades, overwhelmingly enter post-1992 universities (former polytechnics), live at the parental home during term-time, and are decreasingly satisfied with the quality of the higher education which they receive. These conclusions emerge from … Continue reading

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Religious Education and the English Baccalaureate

The campaign (RE.ACT) to persuade the Coalition Government to change its mind about excluding GCSE Religious Education (RE) from the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) in secondary schools hotted up on 24 June with the simultaneous publication of two new surveys accompanied … Continue reading

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Charitable Giving to Religious Causes

Although Britons self-report as fairly generous in their charitable donations, relative to other countries, they accord a low priority to giving to religious organizations. This is suggested by a fourteen-nation study undertaken this spring by GfK Verein for the Wall … Continue reading

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Gay Pride

Individuals who profess no religion take somewhat more pride in how Britain treats gay people than do those with a faith, according to a newly-released survey by YouGov, in which 2,086 adults aged 18 and over were interviewed online on … Continue reading

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Veracity of Clergy

Clergy and priests are the sixth most trustworthy group in society, according to an Ipsos MORI poll for the British Medical Association and published on 27 June. Fieldwork was conducted on 10-16 June 2011 among 1,026 adults aged 15 and … Continue reading

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Alcohol, Young People and Religion

Young people who profess no religion are significantly more likely to have had an alcoholic drink than those with a faith. Indeed, religion is one of the most important factors affecting the likelihood of youth’s consumption of alcohol. This is … Continue reading

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Membership of Groups

6% of adult Britons claim to belong to a ‘church group or bible study’, according to a YouGov poll released today, and conducted online among a sample of 2,451 adult Britons on 16 and 17 June 2011 on behalf of … Continue reading

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