Category Archives: Survey news

Should Ethics be Taught?

While church connection helps to promote moral and ethical behaviour and worldviews among young people, religious schools do not have a consistently positive impact in that regard. This is the inference which can be drawn from the charts and summaries … Continue reading

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Spirituality in the Ascendant?

Spirituality and mystical beliefs are taking over from religion in Britain, according to the spin being put on the results of a new poll. It was commissioned to support a major marketing and publicity campaign launched by HarperCollins on 17 … Continue reading

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National Jewish Student Survey, 2011

‘Jewish students are comfortable being openly Jewish at British universities, despite having concerns about attitudes to Israel on campus. Their commitment to Israel and the Jewish people is robust, but their appreciation of their personal social responsibility lacks muscle.’ These … Continue reading

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The age of reason has not yet fully dawned, apparently. Almost one-quarter of British adults claim to have consulted a psychic or medium, even though many fewer (one in seven) believe that these intermediaries have a real ability to predict … Continue reading

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Integrated Household Survey, 2010-11

The Integrated Household Survey (IHS) is the biggest pool of UK social data after the decennial population census, so there will be special interest in the statistical bulletin containing headline results for the period April 2010 to March 2011, published … Continue reading

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Perceived Threats to Christianity

Forced to choose, churchgoing Christians in the UK are far more likely to think that secularism rather than Islam is the greater threat to Christianity, according to poll data made available to BRIN by ComRes but not yet posted on … Continue reading

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Sectarianism in Scotland

The recent resurgence of sectarianism in Scottish football is overwhelmingly condemned by Scots, according to a poll commissioned by the Scottish Government, and published on 4 September to coincide with the commencement of Scottish parliamentary scrutiny of the Offensive Behaviour … Continue reading

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Turkey and the European Union

About one-quarter of Britons hold an unfavourable opinion of Turkey and consider that its membership of the European Union (EU) would be a bad thing, perceiving it as a predominantly Muslim country which would be out of place in the … Continue reading

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Papal Visit Anniversary

Seven-tenths of the British public can still recall Pope Benedict XVI’s state and pastoral visit to Scotland and England, which took place from 16 to 19 September 2010, but fewer than one-third consider that his presence here was good for … Continue reading

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