Category Archives: Survey news

Toilet Roll Nativity

Two out of three women recall that the girl cast as the Virgin Mary in church and school nativity plays was chosen for her attractive looks (27%), good behaviour (22%) or being teacher’s pet (16%). Only 3% thought that acting … Continue reading

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Muslim Integration

Concern among Britons about the integration of Muslim immigrants into British society has lessened somewhat over the past year but still remains at quite a high level, according to the fourth report on Transatlantic Trends: Immigration, published in Washington on … Continue reading

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Religion in Daily Life

Only about half of Britons who claim a religious affiliation say that their religious beliefs influence their everyday lives, according to a study published on 6 December 2011 by the Centre for the Modern Family, a new think-tank launched by … Continue reading

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British Social Attitudes Survey, 2010

‘Britain is becoming less religious, with the numbers who affiliate with a religion or attend religious services experiencing a long-term decline. And this trend seems set to continue; not only as older, more religious generations are replaced by younger, less … Continue reading

Posted in church attendance, Historical studies, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Occupy London – Londoners Speak Out

The anti-capitalist protesters who have been camped out in Paternoster Square next to St Paul’s Cathedral since 15 October, having been thwarted in their original plan to occupy the London Stock Exchange, continue to divide public opinion. This is according … Continue reading

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Personal Moral Standards

Churchgoers seem far more willing than the general public to vote with their feet when it comes to politicians and journalists found wanting in their personal moral behaviour. This is according to a third tranche of results from the latest … Continue reading

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UK Giving, 2011

The number of UK adults donating money to religious causes (including places of worship) on a monthly basis in 2010/11 was 3,800,000, according to a report on UK Giving, 2011 published on 2 December 2011 by the Charities Aid Foundation … Continue reading

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Seasonal Good Intentions

One-quarter of Britons expect to attend a church service over the Christmas period this year, according to a YouGov poll on Christmas commissioned by The Sun newspaper and published in today’s issue under the heading of ‘We’re Dreaming of a … Continue reading

Posted in church attendance, News from religious organisations, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Wellcome Trust Monitor

Among the datasets released this month by the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) is that for the Wellcome Trust Monitor 1, 2009 (SN 6889). A suite of technical documentation can be found at: The Monitor (expected to be … Continue reading

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Threat of Religious Extremism

UK citizens are more concerned about religious extremism than almost any other country in the European Union (EU), according to Special Eurobarometer 371 on Internal Security published today and available at: The study formed part of wave 75.4 of … Continue reading

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