Category Archives: Survey news

Online Mission

Many UK Christians view the internet as a mission field, and are already exploiting its potential in that regard. This is according to an online poll of 703 of them conducted during February and March 2012 and published on 24 … Continue reading

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Children and Pornography

Today’s Daily Mail reports that the Government may be back-tracking, on civil liberties grounds, on its commitments to introduce tough measures to protect children from access to online pornography, which would entail explicit requirements to opt into adult content. However, … Continue reading

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Theresa May’s Bad Hair Day

Just over half (54%) of the British public think that Home Secretary Theresa May has badly handled the issue of the deportation to his native Jordan of Abu Qatada al-Filistini, the radical Muslim cleric given asylum in Britain in 1994 … Continue reading

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London Mayoral Elections

Just a week after the publication of the Demos report Faithful Citizens, which established linkages between people of faith and progressive politics, comes evidence that religious issues are creeping into the forthcoming and hotly-contested elections for London’s Mayor. This is … Continue reading

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Eastertide Anglican News

The Church of England issued two statistics-related press releases in the run-up to Easter, the first (on 3 April 2012) concerning the 2011 headline mission statistics for its cathedrals under the heading ‘Cathedral Attendance Statistics Enjoy over a Decade of … Continue reading

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Holy Saturday Polls

Spending time with family and friends is the most important part of Easter for 43% of Britons, followed by having a break from work (18%) and only thirdly the festival’s religious meaning (17%), with the exchanging of Easter eggs trailing … Continue reading

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Channel 4 Britishness Poll

Although, as reported by BRIN on 18 February 2012, 56% of adults think that Britain is a Christian country and 61% that it should be, only 4% (and no more than 8% in any demographic sub-group, the peak being among over-65s) consider that not being a Christian stops people from being fully British. Continue reading

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Loch Ness Monster

Although 78% of Britons have heard a great deal or a moderate amount about the Loch Ness Monster over the course of their lives, only 17% believe that it is definitely or probably real, rising to 24% among Scots and 27% of Scottish National Party voters. This is according to an online poll into myths conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion (ARPO) between 15 and 29 February 2012 among a sample of 2,011 adults aged 18 and over. Continue reading

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