Category Archives: Survey news

House of Lords Reform

The Government’s House of Lords Reform Bill, which was tabled and thus received a First Reading in the House of Commons on 27 June 2012, proposes that the United Kingdom’s second Parliamentary chamber be reduced in size and become mainly … Continue reading

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New Poll Findings

There have been no substantive polls on religion in Britain during recent weeks, but here are a few findings from disparate surveys which BRIN has yet to report and which some of our readers may have missed: Religious affiliation 56% … Continue reading

Posted in Attitudes towards Religion, News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

LGBT Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage

The Government’s public consultation on ‘equal civil marriage’, which closes this Thursday (14 June 2012), continues to excite controversy. According to today’s The Times, there have already been more than 100,000 formal responses. Much of the opposition to these proposals … Continue reading

Posted in News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

What Anglicans (and others) think about homosexuality and disestablishment

Earlier today, the Church of England responded to the Government’s proposals to introduce same-sex marriage. In view of the discussion generated by the response, it is worth examining what Anglicans themselves think about gay relationships. BRIN correspondent Ben Clements, based at the University of Leicester, has recently looked at data from the British Social Attitudes surveys and the European Values Surveys to see how attitudes to homosexual relationship have changed over the past three decades or so. Continue reading

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Diamond Jubilation

Her Majesty the Queen’s diamond jubilee weekend celebrations are now past. They seem to have resonated with a majority of the British public, but how many, one wonders, stopped to think about the meaning and origins of the word ‘jubilee’? … Continue reading

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Women in Jewish Leadership

Women are underrepresented in the leadership of the Jewish community in the UK, and there is strong (83%) grass-roots support for action to address the shortfall, including 56% backing for the setting of targets and 35% for the introduction of … Continue reading

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Recent ComRes Polls

This post summarizes findings from three recent ComRes polls of the general public aged 18 and over and which have touched on religious issues. Defender of the Faith Pretty strong numerical support for the continuation of the faith links of … Continue reading

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Gay Marriage Revisited

Some Conservative politicians are blaming the Coalition’s losses in last Thursday’s local elections on the Government’s energetic pursuit of (essentially Liberal Democrat) policies which voters deem unimportant. The reform of the House of Lords and the legalization of gay marriage … Continue reading

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Religious Education in Scottish Schools

Scottish schools are failing to make parents aware of their statutory rights concerning religious and moral education and religious observance, according to new research by YouGov for the Humanist Society Scotland, and published on 30 April 2012. One thousand Scottish … Continue reading

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Anti-Conservative Vote

Religion is the single most powerful predictor (among eight factors) of an individual’s likelihood to say that they would never vote Conservative, with 44% of those with no faith rejecting the possibility of supporting the Tories, compared with 35% of … Continue reading

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