Category Archives: Religion and Politics

Monarchical Religion

The Church of England, the product of the sixteenth-century Reformation, remains the state church in England, notwithstanding successive attempts to disestablish it during the past two centuries. These campaigns were initially led by militant Dissenters promulgating the gospel of ‘voluntaryism’, … Continue reading

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Israel-Palestine Conflict

Public perceptions of the religious dimensions of the Israel-Palestine conflict are illuminated in a six-nation ICM poll released on 13 March and undertaken on behalf of the Al Jazeera Centre for Studies (established in 2006), the Middle East Monitor (MEMO, … Continue reading

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Catholics in Scottish Prisons

Roman Catholics continue to be overrepresented in Scotland’s prison population, but the situation appears to be improving slowly. Catholics accounted for 28% of Scottish prisoners in 2001, 24% in 2006 and 23% in 2008-09, whereas they constituted 16% of all … Continue reading

Posted in Official data, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Attitudes towards Britain’s Involvement in the Afghanistan Conflict by Religious Affiliation

As well as looking at behaviour and attitudes in relation to the 2010 general election (participation, method of voting, party voted for, etc.), the EMBES survey contains a wealth of attitudinal data relating to long-standing or more recent political issues in Britain. One of these is the involvement of British military forces in the conflict in Afghanistan. Continue reading

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The Ethnic Minority British Election Study (EMBES) – Part II

This second BRIN post reports reports various attitudes and behaviour for the May 2010 General Election by religious affiliation in a series of cross-tabulations, again using the EMBES survey. Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, Religion and Politics, Research note | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Ethnic Minority British Election Study (EMBES)

This BRIN post reports various attitudes and behaviour for the May 2010 general election by ethnic group in a series of cross-tabulations, using the EMBES survey. It looks at interest in the electon, voting rates, how the respondent voted, party choice in 2010 and 2005, and likeability ratings of major and minor political parties.
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Ethnic Minority British Election Study 2009-2010 now online

The British Election Study (BES) constitutes the longest academic series of nationally representative probability sample surveys in Britain. In addition to the main pre- and post-election surveys run over 2009-2010, a survey of ethnic minorities was run, and this week made available online at
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School League Tables

The Government has caused a stir this week with the appearance of school league tables which incorporate its new performance measure of the English Baccalaureate, comprising grade A*-C GCSEs or equivalent passes in five core subjects: English, mathematics, a science, … Continue reading

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Clive Field on Attitudes to Islam and Muslim Attitudes in Britain

Last week, the Institute for Social Change (where BRIN is based) hosted a seminar by Clive Field, who co-directs this resource and blogs here assiduously. The title was “Muslim Opinions and Opinions of Muslims: British Experiences”. Clive provided a historical overview of Islam in Britain, followed by a “survey of surveys”, and culminating in an exploratory analysis of a survey of British Muslims sponsored by Harvard and Manchester. Continue reading

Posted in Measuring religion, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Religion in the Press | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Archbishop of Canterbury and the Coalition Government

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, recently publicly criticized the Coalition Government’s plans to make the long-term unemployed take part in compulsory work placements, with those who refused at risk of having their jobseeker’s allowance stopped. The Archbishop said that … Continue reading

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