Category Archives: Religion and Politics

December 2011 Cpanel

ComRes released two tranches of data from its latest Cpanel survey on 20 and 24 December. The study was undertaken among an online sample of 559 practising UK Christians aged 18 and over between 2 and 14 December 2011. One … Continue reading

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Communicating Evangelicals

‘Christians are engaging in politics to a far greater degree than the average British citizen, and their weapon of choice is social media, new research shows. The research also finds that their range of concerns goes far beyond the stereotyped … Continue reading

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Occupy London – Londoners Speak Out

The anti-capitalist protesters who have been camped out in Paternoster Square next to St Paul’s Cathedral since 15 October, having been thwarted in their original plan to occupy the London Stock Exchange, continue to divide public opinion. This is according … Continue reading

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Personal Moral Standards

Churchgoers seem far more willing than the general public to vote with their feet when it comes to politicians and journalists found wanting in their personal moral behaviour. This is according to a third tranche of results from the latest … Continue reading

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Threat of Religious Extremism

UK citizens are more concerned about religious extremism than almost any other country in the European Union (EU), according to Special Eurobarometer 371 on Internal Security published today and available at: The study formed part of wave 75.4 of … Continue reading

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Religiously Aggravated Offending in Scotland, 2010-11

The Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament is meeting next Tuesday to consider Stage 2 amendments to the (relatively controversial) Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Bill, nicknamed the ‘Football Act’, which will give Scottish police more powers … Continue reading

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Demand for Civil Partnerships on Religious Premises

Government is pressing ahead with its plans, announced on 17 February 2011, to remove the legal barrier to civil partnerships being registered on religious premises. The ban stems from the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and the Approved Premises (Marriage and … Continue reading

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Occupy London, Act II – Enter the Archbishop

Occupy London’s anti-capitalist campsite outside St Paul’s Cathedral has now been there for three weeks and seems dug in for the long haul. The Dean and Chapter and the wider leadership of the Church of England have been increasingly challenged … Continue reading

Posted in News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Legalization of Gay Marriage

The Conservative Party risks losing Christian votes if it goes ahead with legalizing gay marriage, as advocated by David Cameron at the Party’s recent conference in Manchester, a ComRes survey published on 4 November 2011 has revealed. The poll was undertaken … Continue reading

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Inside the English Defence League

The English Defence League (EDL), founded in Luton in 2009, is widely considered to be the biggest populist street movement in a generation, with an active ‘membership’ of at least 25,000 to 35,000. Its official statements and literature suggest that … Continue reading

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