Category Archives: Religion and Politics

Sunday Times Religion Poll

The Sunday Times took advantage of the expected announcement of the appointment of Justin Welby as the next Archbishop of Canterbury (eventually confirmed on 9 November) to include several questions on religion in the latest weekly omnibus poll which YouGov … Continue reading

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Rating Rowan Williams and Other New Sources

There follows a round-up of British religious statistics published between 26 and 28 September 2012, arranged in order of their date of release. Additionally, it should be noted that, although the Office for National Statistics issued a statistical bulletin on … Continue reading

Posted in News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion in the Press, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

September Snippets

Herewith the headlines from five new sources of British religious statistics, arranged in order of their date of release: Creationism versus Evolution Whereas 51% of Americans still believe that God created human beings in their present form within the last … Continue reading

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August YouGov Polls on Political Issues

Herewith a round-up of recent YouGov polls touching on the interaction of religion and politics. ‘Doing God’ The majority of Britons are keen to keep religion apart from politics, according to a study published on 13 September 2012. 81% affirmed … Continue reading

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British Social Attitudes, 2011

The twenty-ninth report from the British Social Attitudes (BSA) Survey was published by NatCen Social Research on 17 September 2012, less than a year after the completion of the fieldwork (June-November 2011) on which it is based. As usual, the … Continue reading

Posted in church attendance, Religion and Ethnicity, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Summer Shorts

Herewith a round-up of some recently-published religious statistics which may be of interest to BRIN readers: Religious Affiliation Asked whether they consider themselves to be a member of any religious group, 56% of adults reply Christian, 6% some other religion, … Continue reading

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Sunday Trading after the Olympics

The suspension of the Sunday Trading Act 1994 for eight weeks around the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games has now kicked in. Sunday shopping hours are thus deregulated in England and Wales, permitting large stores to open for … Continue reading

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House of Lords Reform

The Government’s House of Lords Reform Bill, which was tabled and thus received a First Reading in the House of Commons on 27 June 2012, proposes that the United Kingdom’s second Parliamentary chamber be reduced in size and become mainly … Continue reading

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New Poll Findings

There have been no substantive polls on religion in Britain during recent weeks, but here are a few findings from disparate surveys which BRIN has yet to report and which some of our readers may have missed: Religious affiliation 56% … Continue reading

Posted in Attitudes towards Religion, News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

LGBT Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage

The Government’s public consultation on ‘equal civil marriage’, which closes this Thursday (14 June 2012), continues to excite controversy. According to today’s The Times, there have already been more than 100,000 formal responses. Much of the opposition to these proposals … Continue reading

Posted in News from religious organisations, Religion and Politics, Religion in public debate, Survey news | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment