Category Archives: Official data

Economic Inequality and Religion

The outgoing Labour Government’s often controversial Equality Bill received royal assent on 8 April and became the Equality Act 2010. In the economic sphere the legislation, and the Parliamentary debates on it, were informed by the work of the independent … Continue reading

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Taking Part in England

The Taking Part in England survey is a large survey of cultural and leisure participation in England, sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. The first was fielded in July 2005 and it has been run annually since then. The current collection agency is BMRB Social Research, which operates the survey via face-to-face interview. Continue reading

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Religion in the Armed Forces

The UK Ministry of Defence might seem an improbable source of religious statistics. In fact, it (and its predecessor departments) has long been enquiring into the religious affiliation of the armed forces, from the 1860s for the Army, the 1930s … Continue reading

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Muslim Voices

The Department for Communities and Local Government has recently published two reports which illuminate, numerically, the attitudes of British Muslims. The first is Helen Connolly, Attitudes, Values and Perceptions: Muslims and the General Population in 2007-08. This utilizes evidence from the … Continue reading

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Digital Domesday Book

The National Archives issued the following press release on 22 March 2010. Obviously, it is too soon to say how valuable a resource this will be for those of us interested in British religion in numbers. THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES TO … Continue reading

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UFOs (unidentified flying objects) have been in the news a lot over the past few weeks. This is partly because of the recent revelations that the Ministry of Defence is closing its UFO desk, staffed by a single case officer, … Continue reading

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Jews and the 2011 Census

The Jewish Chronicle of 5 March 2010 reports that, following a lengthy process of consultation with the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has agreed to make … Continue reading

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Religion and Community Cohesion

The Department for Communities and Local Government published 2008-09 Citizenship Survey: Community Cohesion Topic Report by Cheryl Lloyd on 18 February 2010. It runs to 196 pages and is available for free download at: This is the first of … Continue reading

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Marriages in England and Wales

The Office for National Statistics released the provisional marriage data for England and Wales for 2008 in a Statistical Bulletin published on 11 February 2010. The report, with accompanying Excel spreadsheets, will be found at: The principal religious information … Continue reading

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Religious Census 1851 Online

For interested historians: the Census of Religious Worship of 1851 has been digitised and is available from two sources. First, there is the Online Historical Population Reports Website. The Report is indexed and can be viewed page-by-page, with each page … Continue reading

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